Direktlänk till inlägg 12 oktober 2013

2 matches in 2 days for Sollefteå Hockey!

Av Live-Rapportör SHK - 12 oktober 2013 11:40

This weekend so waiting 2 matches in 2 days for Sollefteå Hockey !
Is there anything better than two straight games , which hockeysupportor then it's probably the best there is .
Saturday: when waiting Vännäsvägen HC , Sunday: it Tegs SK who come and visit our home hall Sollefteå .

Position in the team: Sollefteå Hockey
Sollefteå has opened the season much better than what was expected of div 1 expertise .
Later became the team's loss at home against the nightmare opponent Östersund IK 1-3 .

The heaviest loss in the game, not the loss of the match but the two plays the injuries they went on .
Ludwig Niederbach like to come into the game with a broken collarbone , Tobias Boström who also went on the injury in the match will be tested late and potentially play any of the games.

Victor Ledin and Marcus Erlander is still away with long term damage.

Vännäs HC
Have not started the season as one might expect - they are second last in the table.
Sollefteå have plus statistics on Vännäsvägen , you have meet each other home and away 4 times the 2 seasons .
When played in different series , it has been friendlies encountered each other.

So it has gone
2 Sollefteå wins 1st draw, 1 Vännäs victory.

Last year's season
Vännäs HC took the same path as SHK when you qualified for the new Division 1.
It failed to qualify for the AllEttan - and you had to go the long way in div 1 continuation series.
The series took home quite simple - you had the opportunity to play for playoff qualification matches where stälddes man against
Kiruna IF - KIF was too tough and Vännäs went on two losses in two games they played .

Vännäs HC
has several interesting players: goalkeeper Filip Algeman that for the past few seasons belonged Södertälje SK
organization, Robin Askebrand forward who played the past few seasons with Vallentuna BK in div 1 - Robin got his hockey education in Lulea, Christoffer Rikner who last season played with Kramfors Alliance where he made a total of 35 points last season. Moreover, it has been eighteen year old Hampus Ahsell who started the season really impressive with seven points in nine games . What is the management of internal points league !

Vännäs Scoring leaders

With the club's slow start as they have chosen to enlist in the Russian Vladimir Alyokhin.
Vladimir played for the club 2010/11 so it's a familiar face returning.

Latest seasons, he played Russian third league and play in Belarusian lower series.

Match. Sollefteå HK - Vännäs HC
It's a match that SHK normally win. But when the series feels so smooth, it is not the difference between the teams is always so great.

There is sure to be a tight game - my tip our Sollefteå HK is the winner after 60 minutes with a odd target victory.


    Kom ihåg mig



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Sollefteå Hockey